A letter to my friends.....

Five years ago my nephew Tyler suddenly began having seizures. During a recent stay at Children’s Hospital, Tyler was diagnosed with a large brain tumor that is believed to have been causing the seizures all these years.
Tyler is 15 and loves sports, especially wrestling, fishing, hunting, gaming and hanging out with his friends. Right now, though, he cannot do many of those treasured things that boys his age get to do. Worst of all, Tyler is currently unable to attend school. He is a sweet-natured boy with a tender heart. When people meet him they cannot help but instantly like him.
His long term treatment will require major surgery along with recovery and rehabilitation. His rehabilitation will require him to relearn all of the basics of life you and I know how to do and many of us take for granted each day. To help defray some of the costs that his family will incur, I have determined to undertake this "Scraps of Love" project.
How did all this come to be? During an outing with a dear friend, I asked "what do you think of a spaghetti dinner?". She said "Oh, no Heather, lets make a quilt!" I instantly agreed. What better way to spread our love than through our stitches. With the help of some very talented quilting friends, I am creating a twin size quilt that will be raffled off to raise money that will help offset Tylers non-insurance-covered hospital expenses. Elizabeth D. won the quilt!
Donations of any size are very welcome.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

3 Days until the Big Day!

Well, there are only three more days left until the raffle!  The quilt is all put together and we are finalizing the last little things.

I thought I would give you some of the statistics as of Sunday night:
The quilt was started on October 22
The blog was published on November 12
1040 visits to the blog over 5 weeks, most of the views are from Face Book links.
57 raffle tickets sold with several donations as well.
There are 2 company donation sponsors: Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc. and Raw Land Solutions
Seven people, including myself,  have worked on the quilt.

But most of all, I have truly enjoyed working on this project and hearing from you!  Your support is overwhelming, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

In 1 Nephi 16:29 "And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things."  The Scraps of Love for Tyler is a perfect example of this happening and it is through you that this has been brought about!
With all my love,

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