Well, there are only three more days left until the raffle! The quilt is all put together and we are finalizing the last little things.
I thought I would give you some of the statistics as of Sunday night:
The quilt was started on October 22
The blog was published on November 12
1040 visits to the blog over 5 weeks, most of the views are from Face Book links.
57 raffle tickets sold with several donations as well.
There are 2 company donation sponsors: Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc. and Raw Land Solutions
Seven people, including myself, have worked on the quilt.
But most of all, I have truly enjoyed working on this project and hearing from you! Your support is overwhelming, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
In 1 Nephi 16:29 "And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things." The Scraps of Love for Tyler is a perfect example of this happening and it is through you that this has been brought about!
With all my love,